2025 3d National Boys Winter Registration

CONGRATS!  You've earned a spot on the 3d National Sandstorm team!

WHO |2029, 2030, 2031, 2032, 2033 Graduation Year Players

WHEN | January 18 - 19, 2025

WHERE | Indio, CA

Hotel Information for Sandstorm

Sandstorm is a massive event and the hotel industry is stressed in their ability to accommodate the massive number of teams. Historically, families have opted for Airbnb options that are significantly more reasonably priced and able to provide better amenities than a hotel room block.  For this reason, 3d National is working on coordinating room blocks for Sandstorm and encourages you to take this opportunity to coordinate a scenario that allows you to choose the way that you stay, in your financial and logistics comfort zone, when travelling to California in January.

Questions can be directed to ptuohy@3dlacrosse.com or lpratt@3dlacrosse.com